Papa (drama)
Choi Hyunjun, a high-school teacher and a author, who is the father of a six-year-old daughter, lived with his two roommates who are his friend and the brother of his ex-wife. His friend, Yong Gong, a widow who works as a doctor to bring up his naughty and greedy son, falls in love with a female pharmacist who dotes on his son. On the other hand, Hyunjun's brother-in-law, falls in love with a kindergarten teacher, who happened to be the teacher of the children of Hyunjun and Yong Gong.As time progresses, the three men's affair with women also progresses. Ater shaking off with his girlfriend and Shi-yong shaking off her relationship with her boss, Hyunjun eventually reconciled with his ex-wife shi-yong after a separation of many years. Yong-Gong got to marry the pharmacist who lived with his entire family and Hyunjun's brother-in-law eventually went abroad to America to study, as a promise to marry Heeju if both of them excel academically.
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